Friday, February 24, 2017

Origin of FRACTION


Fraction is a way of expressing a number that is a ratio of two integers.
Example :- a : b = a/b
Here 'a' is called Numerator and "b" is called denominator.

Indian used to write the fraction as we write it today but there were no line in between.
1/2 was written
but it was the Arabs who drew a line in between separating Numerator (top part) with Denominator (Bottom part).

There are instance in RigVeda where fraction has been used. अर्ध -Ardhya (1/2) , त्रिपाद tripad (3/4), पाद paad( ¼) , कुष्ठ kushtha (1/12), कला kala (1/16) are commonly seen in RigVeda. In Sulva sutra अंश ansh / भाग bhag has been used as triansh त्रिअंश or tribhag त्रि भाग for 1/3

Origin of word :-

The word fraction actually comes from the Latin "fractio" which means to break.

Happy reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

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