Friday, April 14, 2017

Origin of word - Exponent

The word Exponent has come from the Latin word - Exoponere. Exo + ponere has two words - Exo means - out of whereas ponere means - place.In simple word, when the index is raised out of line, it is called exponent.

Here, 3 is raised from the normal line.

Michael Stifel ( 1487 - 1567) was the first mathematician who used the word Exponent in its mathematical term as written in his book - Arithmetica Integra

He wrote, "Est autem 3 exponens ipsius octonarij, & 5 est exponens 32 & 8 est exponens numeri
256" (Smith vol. 2, page 521).

The Latin translates roughly as

But 3 is the exponent of that same eight, and 5 is the exponent of 32, and 8 is the exponent of the number 256.

Here Michael is talking about the base 2
2^3 = 8 and 2^5 = 32 so as 2^8 = 256

Happy reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

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Origin of word - Exponent