Friday, April 14, 2017

Origin of word - Exponent

The word Exponent has come from the Latin word - Exoponere. Exo + ponere has two words - Exo means - out of whereas ponere means - place.In simple word, when the index is raised out of line, it is called exponent.

Here, 3 is raised from the normal line.

Michael Stifel ( 1487 - 1567) was the first mathematician who used the word Exponent in its mathematical term as written in his book - Arithmetica Integra

He wrote, "Est autem 3 exponens ipsius octonarij, & 5 est exponens 32 & 8 est exponens numeri
256" (Smith vol. 2, page 521).

The Latin translates roughly as

But 3 is the exponent of that same eight, and 5 is the exponent of 32, and 8 is the exponent of the number 256.

Here Michael is talking about the base 2
2^3 = 8 and 2^5 = 32 so as 2^8 = 256

Happy reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Origin of word - Logarithm

Log or Logarithm is used to simplify calculation. The word came into existence due to John Napier (1550- 1617).
It is the combination of two Greek words Logos - reason or ratio and artihmus - number.

You can use log table to simplify the calculation. The first log table was given by John Napier which was later modified by Henry Briggs

Happy reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Origin of Word - Hypotenuse

Hypotenuse is a common word used in Trignometry

It has come from the Greek word - Hypo means for under and tein - to stretch.

Simply hypotesuse is the line segment stretched under the right angled triangle.

Happy reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Origin of word - Diagonal

The word diagonal is derived from the Latin word - diagonus. Here Dia means to pass through and gonus means angle. In simple word, a diagonal is a line segment that joins the two angles of opposite vertices.

happy reading

DR Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Friday, March 24, 2017

origin of word - Geometry

Geometry is the branch of Mathematics that deals with the shape, size and position of a 2 dimension or 3 dimension figures. The area, volume , length of a shape can be found with the help of geometry.

Origin :- The word originates from the Ancient Greek word - geometria. Geo = Earth and Metrie = Measurement

Earlier the concept of geometry was related to field measurement that developed as an independent field and later many branches of geometry came into existence. Euclidean and Non Euclidean Geometry is the main branch of geometry.

Happy reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Origin of Word - Perimeter

Perimeter of an object is the distance around its edge. In triangle, the perimeter is the sum of all its sides so as in quadrilateral it is the sum of all its four sides and so on.

(Courtesy :-

Origin :- Perimeter comes from the Greek word 'peri,' meaning around, and 'metron,' which means measure. Its first recorded usage was during the 15th century.

Happy Reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Friday, March 10, 2017

Origin of word Arithmetic

Orgin of Arithmetic

Arithmetic is the branch of Mathematics that deals with the numbers and their operations ( +, - , x , /). Egyptian or Babylonian were good at arithmetic and they used to solve problem with their own devised method.

Arithmetic is derived from the Greek word - Arithmos meaning Number.

Happy reading

Dr Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Origin of word - Exponent